Monday, September 9, 2013

Electricity Transmission Towers

ProCoat high performance advanced polymer coating systems offered to Electricity Boards along with application services to protect their huge transmission towers located in aggressive chemical, saline, industrially polluted environments where conventional paint systems like aluminium, epoxy, and zinc rich paints fail in very short periods. In these environments ProCoat systems are absolutely protecting the transmission towers without any sign of rusting since almost 5 years with a life expectancy of 10 plus years.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Asia’s Largest Iron Ore Thickener
ProCoat advanced high performance polymer coating is applied to this huge thickener having surface area of 1250 square metres to protect entire mechanism like rack arms, feed wall tank, centre shaft, cones etc. from severe corrosion and abrasion due to continuous immersion and presence of high solids in slurry. Coating applied after thorough contamination removal, copper slag blasting and with all relevant quality checks to ensure barrier protection from the given working conditions. Surface profile of SA 2.5 (75 microns) achieved. Salt checks, detergent washing, wet film thickness, dry film thickness and holiday spark testing was done to ensure quality.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Cooling Gas Inlet Cone External Protection

After thorough contamination removal, detergent washing and chilled iron grit blasting ProCoat advance high performance polymer coating is applied to this CG inlet cone to protect against corrosion due to cyclic dry and wet conditions.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Concrete Soft Water Tank Internal Protection
ProCoat polymer coating is applied to this tank after thorough surface preparation to protect against concrete corrosion and seepage.  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Condenser Tube Sheet Coating

ProCoat high performance advanced polymer coating, amine curing with resistance to cold wall effect is applied after grit blasting and contamination removal to protect against severe attack of corrosion and abrasion.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Cooling Water Pump - Power Plant
ProCoat high performance polymer coating is applied to protect internal and external surface of cooling water pump column, casing, bowl etc. against corrosion and abrasion due to silt in water. Surrounding environment is also corrosive.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Bag House Doors

ProCoat polymer coating protects bag house doors against extreme corrosion due to sulphuric acid and temperature.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Ammonia Solution Tank External Protection

ProCoat advance high performance polymer coating protects these ammonia solution tanks external surface against corrosion due to ammonia and corrosive atmosphere.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Chemical Mixing Tank
ProCoat high performance polymer coating is applied after grit blasting and contamination removal to protect against corrosion due to chemical attack.

Friday, February 8, 2013


ProCoat polymer coating protects this clarifier from severe abrasion and corrosion.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

AVGF & Compressor Tanks

ProCoat high performance polymer coatings protects against external corrosion of AVGF and Compressor tanks from the effect of alkaline corrosion and water exposure from adjacent cooling towers.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Arresting Oil Leakage Online.

ProCoat products are best choice for arresting online oil leakages without draining oil from CT, PT, transformers, MOCB, OLTC top covers, bushings, radiators, conservator tanks, welding cracks, pin holes etc. in power transmission & generation industries.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Job Vaccancy

We are looking for right canditates to strength our sales team. Vaccancies are at areas under our Secunderabad and Rajkot Office. Post offered Sales Engineer and Sales Manager. To know more about us please visit our website